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Your congregation is only as big as the people who attend and actively participate regularly. We know why people come to church or tune into your ministry's sermons - they want to become a better person, come closer to their spirituality, and connect with like minds who help them on their journey. But why are people not coming to church? Why has attendance been declining over the years?  Some people are not finding a sense of community in the church. Others feel that their local ministry is irrelevant or unimportant to them. Some people simply feel as if they just do not have the time. 


What are areas that you can improve in your ministry to attract more people to your church?

Here is a list of a few ways that our clients have utilized our tools to increase attendance within their congregation. Click the drop-down arrow on the right to learn more about different ways Congregation Connection can help you attract more people to your ministry or church.

Click A Method Below To Learn More:

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